Bottom Line Magazine

Bottom Line is the flagship member publication for HPS, a national group purchasing organization that primarily serves schools, senior living facilities, hospitals, camps and government municipalities.

Role: Creative/Art Director, Design, Managing Editor

Finish Line Publication

Finish Line highlights the breadth and depth of this HPS member value-added program. The publication focuses on commercial kitchen equipment, furniture and interior design. The covers feature food because dietary is the largest contract program offered to members. I research content and strategize, write technical and creative copy, plus design to completion.

Role: Creative/Art Director, Design, Managing Editor

Seasons Magazine

Seasons is the flagship member publication for Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. I redesigned the publication and provided direction that includes copy tone and staff articles.

Role: Creative/Art Director, Design, Editor

2013 PRoof Silver


Experiential Graphic Design


Brand Event Planning