HPS Committee Annual Meeting, 200+ Attendees, Amway Grand Plaza
Event Leader: location Scout, Gift Coordination, Food & Beverage, Entertainment, AV Requirements, Marketing Campaign Creative Director + Design, Dinner Sponsor Recognition Video (41 Sponsors), MC Talking Points, Dinner Room Decor

Committee members make decisions on how HPS is operated by voting throughout the year on which vendors are under contract. This two-day event is held annually to celebrate committee members and their dedication to their communities and each other. The event marketing theme was Together We Stay the Course. The photos represent the room decor and sponsor recognition video.

HPS Committee Annual Meeting, 300+ Attendees, JW Marriott

The event marketing theme was Chaose Your Mission. The photos represent the dinner room decor and sponsor recognition video (62 sponsors).

HPS Committee Annual Meeting, 200+ Attendees,
Crystal Mountain Resort
The event marketing theme was Flourish to highlight their 70th Anniversary. The photos represent the dinner room decor and entertainment program.

HPS Trade Show, 200+ Attendees, DeVos Place
The event marketing theme was Experience the Magic to promote member programs, and highlight the overall savings received throughout the year with their membership.




Golf Fashion Branding